Privacy policy
Effective 01/01/2021
- the way that the data are collected and treated as personal data, every data that are susceptible to identify an user. it can be a name, a surname, an age, a postal address, email address, the localisation of the user or IP address
- Which law are the data submitted to
- who is responsible of the personal data treatment collected and treated
- to whom this data is transmitted
- Eventually, the website policy in terms of files “cookies”
Article 2 : general principles of data processing and collection
according to the article 5 of european regulation 2016/679, the collection and data processing of the website users respects following principles :
- Lawfulness, loyalty, transparence : data cannot be collected and processed without the user’s consent. Everytime that personal data is collected, it will be announced that we collected the data and for which reasons it is collected.
- Limited finalities : the collection and data processing is made for answers to one or many goals defined in this terms and conditions
- minimization of the collection and data processing : Only necessary data to the good execution of the goals are used by the website.
- reduction of the data keeping in time : the data are conserved for a limited time, and the user is informed. When this information can not be communicated, the user is informed of the features used to determine the delay of conservation.
- Integrity and privacy of the data collected and processed : the responsible of the processed data take the responsibility to guarantee the integrity and the privacy of the collected data.
in order to be lawful and to be in accordance with the article 6 of the european regulation 2016/679, the collection and personal data processing can be used only if its respect the following conditions :
- the user have given his consent
- the processing is necessary to the execution of the contract
- the processing answers to a legal obligation
- the processing explains the necessity related to safeguard of vital interests of the person concerned or another physical person
- the processing explains the necessity related to an execution of a mission of public interest or relevant from the public authority
- The collection and data processing are necessary to legitim and private interests followed by the responsible of the processing or by another person.
Article 3 : Personal data collected and processed in the framework of website navigation
A. Data collected and processed et collection mode
the personal data collected by Al Amirah website are :
– Name
– Surname
– Phone Number
– email address
– billing address
– delivery address
– society name
This data are collected when a user made the following operation on the website :
– when a user purchase a product on the website
– when a user fill the form to receive emails or a promotion code
Moreover, when you pay on the Website, it will be conserved in the IT system of the editor of the website as proof of the transaction including the purchase order and the invoice.
The responsible of the processing will conserve in his IT system of the website and in reasonable security conditions all data collected for a delay of 5 years.
The collection and processing of data serve the following purposes:
The data is recorded to deliver the products purchased by our users or to send them promotional or informative emails.
B. Data Transmission
The personal data collected by the website are transmitted to anyone and are only processed by our editor of the website.
C. Data hosting
the Website Al Amirah is hosted by : o2switch, that the head office is located in :
222-224 Boulevard Gustave Flaubert
the host can be contact at the following phone number : +33444446040
the data collected and processed by the websites are exclusively hosted and processed in France.
ARTICLE 4 : Data processing responsible
A. Data processing responsible
The personal data processing responsible is : Al Amirah. She can be contacted by the following way :
The personal data processing is in charge of determining the goals and the resources put at the service to the personal data processing.
B. obligations of the data processing
The responsibility of the data processing takes the engagement to protect the personal data collected, to not transmit it to other people without the user knowing and respecting the goal they were collected for.
The website has an SSL certificate to guarantee the information and the data transfer transiting by the website is secured.
a SSL certificate (“secure Socket Layer”) goal is to secure the data exchange between the user and the website
Moreover, the data processing responsible takes the engagement to notify in case of rectification or data deleting to the user, only if it causes formalities, costs or disproportionate steps.
In cases where the personal data integrity, privacy or security of the user is compromised, the data processing responsible takes the engagement to inform the user by all the way possible.
ARTICLE 5 : Users rights
In accordance with the personal data processing, the user owns the following rights.
In order for the data responsible to comply with his request, the user has to communicate : his name and first name, email address and if it is necessary, account number or personal space or subscriber.
The data processing responsible has to answer to the user in a 30 days delay maximum.
A. Users rights presentation in terms of data collecting and processing
a. Access, rectification, deleting rights
The user can become aware of, update, modificate or ask for the data deleting about him, by respecting the following procedure :
the user have to write an e mail at the following email :
If he have one, the user have the right to ask the removal of his personal space by the following procedure :
the user has to send an email to the data processing responsible, by writing his personal space number. The removal of data would be treated within a 10 days delay.
b. Data portability right
User have the right to ask the portability of his personal data, detained by the website, to another website, by according to the following procedure :
the user has to make a portability demand of his personal data to the data processing responsible, by sending an email to the address.
c. limitation and opposition to data processing
Users have the right to question the limitation and to oppose the data processing by the website, without the website can refuse, except to demonstrate the existence of legitim and urgent motifs, that can prevail on the interests and rights and liberties of the user.
To ask the limitation of the data processing or to formulate an opposition to process data, the user has to follow the following procedure :
the user has to formulate a demand of limitation of his personal data processing to the data processing responsible, by sending an email to the following email address.
d. Right to not be the object of a decision based only on automatic process
In accordance with the provisions of the Regulation 2016/679, the user has the right to not be the object of a decision based only on automatic process if the decision products legal effects about him or affects him in a similar way.
e. right to determined the data case after death
We remind the user that he can organise the future of his collected and processed data if he is deceased, according to the law n°2016-1321 of 7 october 2016.
f. Right to refer to the competent authority
In the case of the data processing responsible, they decide to not answer at the user’s demand, and the user would like to contest this decision, or if he thinks that one of his rights is not respected, he is in right to refer to the CNIL or every authority competent.
B. Personal data of minor people
In accordance with the provisions of the regulation 2016/679, and to the I.T Law, oly minors aged of 15 years or more can consent to their personal data processing.
if the user is a minor of 15 ans and less, he needs the authorisation of a legal representative to process and collect his personal data.
The Website editor reserves the right to verify by any way that the user is more than 15 years old or that he had the authorisation of a legal representative before using the website.
ARTICLE 6 : Cookies files using
The website may use the “cookies” technology
A “cookie” is a small file (less than 4 ko), stocked by the website on the hard disk of the user, containing information about the user’s navigation habit.
These files are used to process statistics and information about traffic, facilitate the navigation and improve service for the user’s comfort.
for the use of “cookies” files that involve save and analyse personal data, the consent of the user is necessarily asked.
This given consent by the user is valid for a 13 month delay maximum. After this delay, the website will again ask the authorisation to register “cookies” files on his hard disk.
a. Access, rectification, deleting rights
we made sure that the user can refuse the register of “cookies” files by configuring his network software.
For information, the user can found on the following addresses, the steps to follow to configure the software network to reject the “ cookies” files register :
In case the user decides to deactivate the “cookies” files, he can pursue his navigation on the website. However, every malfunction of the website due to this manipulation can not be the website editor’s fault.
ARTICLE 7 : privacy policy modification conditions
the present privacy policy can be consult at any moment at the following address indicate :
The website editor reserves the right to change it, to guarantee conformity with the present law.
So, the user has to consult this privacy policy to be informed on the last change that we will bring.
however, in case modification are bring to this policy, users will be informed by this following way :
By email
We let the user know that the last update of the present privacy policy was done : 01/01/2021.
ARTICLE 8 : acceptance by the user of the privacy policy
By navigating on the website, the user testified to have read and understood the present privacy policy and accepted the conditions, particularly about personal data collecting and processing and about the “cookies” files using.